First, how to add visa gift card to Venmo?
Launch the Venmo app, which is available in a number of app stores. Tap the gear icon to navigate to the settings page. Tap the Payment Method under the preference option. Tap on Add Bank or Card. Select Card to add your gift card details. Enter your gift card’s 16-digit number, the CVV codes, and the expiration date.
I’ll provide you with more specific instructions on how to add a Visa gift card to Venmo.
Table of Contents
How To Add Visa Gift Card To Venmo?
Gift card additions on Venmo are subject to rejection or declination; if the gift card issuer and Venmo can’t come to an agreement, you might not be able to add your gift cards to your Venmo account.
There are many different types of gift cards available; some are master cards, visas, as well as cards from other networks.
So let’s dive straight into how you can add a visa gift card on Venmo
- Step 1: Launch the Venmo app. This program is available in a number of app stores.
- Step 2: Hover to the settings screen, by tapping on the gear icon
- Step 3: Tap the Payment Method under the preference option
- Step 4: Tap on Add Bank or Card
- Step 5: Select Card to add your gift card details
- Step 6: Enter your gift card’s 16-digit number, the CVV codes, and the expiration date.
And if you have no problems doing so, you should add your gift card to your Venmo account.
However, it’s not always as easy to add your Visa gift cards to Venmo as you might think.
Your card may occasionally be declined.
Can You Put Venmo Cash On A Visa Gift Card?
Yes, there are several websites that sell gift cards where you can pay with your Venmo balance to purchase gift cards. The majority of retailers let you purchase gift cards using Venmo. Buying gift cards with your Venmo is usually quite simple.
But if you use a credit card to purchase gift cards and then fail to pay the balance in full, you risk accruing credit card interest on your outstanding balance.
You shouldn’t have any issues using a gift with Venmo if it is a member of one of the four main credit networks, which includes Visa. Venmo will treat Visa gift cards the same way it would a debit card.
However, you should be aware that gift cards, like prepaid cards, may be rejected by the issuer for factors like fraud prevention and money availability. Also be aware that if you use a gift card or prepaid card with Venmo, you might need to enter a zip code.
To put a Visa gift card on Venmo, follow the instructions provided here.
Can I Pay Others With Venmo Gift Card Balance?
As long as it doesn’t go over the limit, you can pay other people using the remaining balance on your gift card through Venmo. The external payment method (bank account or card) that you have linked to your account will be used to fund payments for amounts greater than the Cash app gift card amount that has been added to your Venmo balance, for instance.
And in this case, the balance on the gift card, payments on Venmo are never funded by just one source.
Any payments you make that are equal to or less than your balance will be funded from your Venmo balance if you have funds available. You can now use the balance of your Gift Card to make payments and purchases both online and in physical stores after adding it to Venmo.

Add A Gift Card To My Venmo Balance
With Venmo, you can pay and receive money from others using your mobile device. The app’s support for gift cards as a form of payment is a plus. When your friends and family have special occasions, you can use the platform to give them gifts.
If you want to add a gift card to Venmo, follow the steps-
1. Open the Venmo account
2. Log in to your account
3. Search for the ‘settings’ button
4. Under the settings menu, search for ‘payment methods’
5. Under this, you’ll find the options “Bank account” and “Cards.”’
6. Click on the ‘cards’ option and now enter the required information for your gift card
7. like the gift card’s serial number, expiration date, security code (CVV), zip code, etc.
8. You can finally add your gift card to it after that.
Once you have completed the aforementioned steps, the gift card will be added to your account and be available for use.
Add Vanilla Visa Gift Cards To Venmo
Let’s first define a Vanilla gift card before going into the specifics of how to add one.
Describe the vanilla Visa gift card.
It’s a gift card issued by Visa that functions just like any other prepaid gift card and is used to reward individuals, such as employees, by providing them with worthwhile incentives in the form of Vanilla gift cards. It’s a prepaid debit or credit card issued by Visa.
How do I incorporate a Vanilla Visa card into Venmo?
Follow these steps carefully.
1. Click on the Venmo app on your phone
2. Log in to your account
3. Tap on Menu or Three vertical dots representing the menu on the phone
4. Under preferences, click on payment methods
5. Here, you will see two options; first, a Bank account, and the second Card option
6. Now tap under the Card option
7. Here, fill in the details about the vanilla visa card like CVV, expiry date, etc.
8. Alternatively, you can take a picture of the blank card and then click to automatically upload the information on the card.
To add it to your Venmo account, finally, select “Add Card.”
Add Prepaid Visa Gift Cards To Venmo
Like regular prepaid cards, prepaid visa gift cards can be used for purchases at merchant locations, banks, and online.
- It’s a Visa card, just like Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc.
- while making a purchase, behaves like a regular debit or credit card.
- The majority of the time used as a gift card.
Even more money can be added to it (the Visa gift card) by logging in with your card and using funds from your bank account. It does not permit transactions otherwise.
Let’s see here how can a prepaid visa gift card be added to the Venmo app-
You must first enter the necessary information to activate your Visa gift card.
You will be able to transact after activation.
1. So first open the Venmo app in the browser
2. Log in to your Venmo account.
3. Go to menu options in the Venmo app on your mobile phone
4. Click on the “Settings” option after searching for it.
5. Enter “payment method” into the search bar and tap it.
6. You will see two options say, ‘Bank account’ and ‘card’ option
7. Tap on the ‘Card’ option
8. They will enquire after vital card information from you. Mention it.
9. Mention the prepaid visa gift card details on it
10. Do check if the info given by you is rightly written
11. To link the Visa gift card with the Venmo app, select “Add” from the menu.
It’s done!
Add Money To Venmo Balance
Are you trying to figure out how to add money to your Venmo balance? In fact, you can add money to your Venmo account if your bank account or bank debit card are connected to your Venmo account.
However, you have a better chance of adding money to your Venmo if you are using a MasterCard debit card.
Currently, only the Mastercard debit card can be used to add money to your Venmo account; all other card types risk becoming fugitives.
The steps listed below can be used if you already have a MasterCard debit card but have not yet connected it to your Venmo account:
- Step 1: Launch the Venmo app. You can find the Venmo app in a number of app stores.
- Step 2: Hover to the settings screen, with a gear icon
- Step 3: Tap Payment Method under the preference option
- Step 4: Tap on Add Bank or Card
- Step 5: Select Card to add your gift card details
- Step 6: Enter your gift card’s information, including its 16-digit number, CVV codes, and expiration date.
When you want to make a payment using your Mastercard to your Venmo account, you can choose it as a payment method once your Mastercard has been added to your Venmo account.
You should be aware that adding your card will result in a 3% fee, unless the payment action was actually authenticated by particular merchants by Venmo.
Money from your bank account can also be added to your Venmo balance.
To use Venmo, all you need to do is link your bank account. The steps listed below can be used to link your bank account with your Venmo account:
- Step 1: Open the Venmo App
- Step 2: Select the Me icon
- Step 3: Navigate to the settings page and select the payment link.
- Step 4: Select Add a Bank of Card
- Step 5: Select Bank instead, in this case.
- Step 6: Decide on the verification strategy you prefer.
You can start receiving money and authenticating payments from your bank account once your bank account has been connected to your Venmo account.
To do this:
- Step 1: Open the Venmo application
- Step 2: Tap the Me icon
- Step 3: Choose Add Transfer
- Step 4: Enter the Amount you want to transaction
- Step 5: To verify these payments, decide which bank account to use.
If you haven’t added a bank account, there won’t be any listed on Venmo.
- Step 6: Double-check the details summary and date
- Step 7: Select Add Money
However, it can take up to three to four working days to transfer money from your bank account to your Venmo account.
What Is The Zip Code For Adding A Visa Card To Venmo?
It is necessary to enter the zip code when entering the cardholder’s information. You must enter the correct billing information before making any purchases using the card in-store, online, or offline. And all of this information can be found on the back of the card or occasionally on the cover card.
To activate your visa card, follow these steps-
Enter your credit card information on the legal right website by going there.
- The website to activate, billing address, phone number, and other information are all listed on the back of the card.
- Just include the website address when asked for the address.
- Please refrain from looking for such information online as there are a large number of con artists and scammers who can easily steal money from you without you even realizing it.
Mention the address or the zip code
1. Once your card has been activated, update with the zip code.
2. You can see the correct billing address and zip code if you receive it via mail or another method.
3. However, before using it as a standard Visa card, you must update it with the code and your address if it was a gift from you or something else.
4. The PIN (Personal Identification Number) on your gift card can also be updated. Keep in mind that it only facilitates credit transactions; it cannot be cashed anywhere.
Please note that:
- Don’t forget to change your current billing address on your Visa gift card.
- Check the websites from which you have received your card, whether it is a Visa card, Mastercard, etc., as this information is located on the back of the card.
- When prompted, provide your residential zip code.
The article’s main focus was on venmo’s ability to accept Visa gift cards.
Can you use gift cards with Venmo? Yes, provided you use a network-branded card, such as one bearing the logos of Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discovery.
You add a Visa gift card to Venmo the same way you add any other network-branded card.
I appreciate you reading.